Hart & Hound
- Connect the output of the GrainFather pump to the “wort-in” of the chiller.
Connect the “wort-out” of the chiller to the horizontal connection of the big pump.
Connect a large hose from the vertical output of the large pump and return the end to the GrainFather.
- Sanitize the GrainFather, Plate Chiller and the pump with 7 L of hot water from the tap.
Add 1.5ml Starsan per litre = 10ml of Starsan.
- Turn on the GrainFather pump; make sure the top valve is open.
This should prime the large pump. Turn on the large pump.
Recirculation and sanitizing should start.
- Hold set button on the controller until it flashes, then set temp to 65 ℃.
Hold set button again to save the setting.
Controller should read current water temperature, most likely just below 60 ℃.
- Set the bottom element switch to Normal setting. This increases the heating element to 2000 watt.
- Set control panel switch to mash not boil
- Once the water has reached 65 ℃ - Set element switch (bottom switch) to MASH.
This reduces the heating element to 500 watt.
- Recirculate for exactly 2 min.
- After 2 min, close the vale on the GrainFather and turn the large pump off.
Relocate the long hose from the GrainFather and connect to the top port of the fermenter.
Make sure ball valve on fermenter is OPEN.
Turn big pump on, open valve on GrainFather.
Pump the sanitizing liquid into the fermenter ready for fermenting.
- Once the GrainFather is empty, close valve on GrainFather to prevent sanitizer from going back into GrainFather.
Turn pump off on GrainFather.
Close ball valve on fermenter.
Turn large pump off.
- Fill the GrainFather with hot tap water until there is 20L of strike water in the GrainFather
(Water Temp should be 60 ℃ from tap).
The heating element should already be set to 65 ℃.
- Remove Plate Chiller hose on GrainFather and replace with the recirculating U bend pipe.
Open valve and turn GrainFather pump on. Start recirculating.
- Fill the sparge kettle with 13-14 litres.
Set temperature of the sparge kettle at 72 ℃.
Use this for sparge water later on.
- Once the GrainFather is at 65 ℃ you are ready to mash.
- Turn the pump off. Remove the recirculating U-bend.
- Place grain-basket in GrainFather.
Put the grain-stop on the overflow pipe to prevent grains from entering.
- Cut corner on grain bag and pour grain SLOWLY into GrainFather, do not dump the grain.
Take care not to spill any on the outside of the basket, as this will block both the filter and the pump and will result in off-flavours.
Stir as you pour. Leave the dust on the inside of the grain-basket, as it will help fitting the second mesh filter.
- Once all the grain is in, slide other plate (mesh filter) over the grain in the grain-basket and ensure that no grain is on top.
- Place overflow valve on top of second grain-plate.
- Put the glass lid on.
Reconnect U-bend to the pump fitting for mashing.
Put the silicon hose through the hole.
Open valve and turn pump on.
- Set timer for 60 min
- Start taking pH and Gravity Readings.
WHILE MASHING (You must be fast as you have only one hour)
- Rehydrate Yeast S-04. (US-05)
- Boil some water in the kettle. In the meantime, sanitize the measuring cylinder, the Erlenmeyer flask,
the thermometer and the stirring magnet with Starsan.
- Poor in 140 ml of boiled water from the kettle into measuring cylinder.
- Place the thermometer in the measuring cylinder. Cover with Foil.
- Take temperature reading of water and place in fridge to cool down.
- Bring it down to 25 ℃ - 27 ℃.
- Pour water from the measure cylinder into Erlenmeyer flask
- Sprinkle Yeast S-04 (or US-05) and do not stir
- Hydrate for 15min
- At 15 min mark begin stirring using magnetic plate
- Also ensure the fermenter has been fully sanitized from the water at the beginning.
Spray sanitizer around the top, over the chiller elements and the underside of the lid.
Close the fermenter. EVERY THING MUST BE COVERED.
MASH OUT after 60 min of mashing at 65 ℃
- After the 60 min point of the mash begin the mash-out to make sparging easier.
- Mash-out by raising the temp to 75 ℃
- Set the bottom element switch to normal (2000 Watt) to heat up faster.
- At 75 ℃ set bottom element switch back to mash
- Mash out for 10-15 min. This should prevent a stuck sparge.
In the meantime, drain the fermenter of the sanitizer, by running it out of the bottom ball-valve.
- Turn off the pump.
Move the U-recirculating tube out of the way.
- Raise the grain-basket slowly above the GrainFather for sparging and twist to rest on the brackets.
- Record (write down) the number of litres in the GrainFather. (For future calculations, to see how much water is lost in the grain).
- If possible, insert the tube of the U-tube and start the pump, to recirculate the wort and prevent scorching the wort.
- Now set the control-panel switch to boil as it will override the temp you have entered for mashing and mash-out and bring the wort to the boil slowly while you sparge. It won’t boil, as you are constantly adding cooler sparge water; however, try to recirculate to prevent the wort on the bottom of the GrainFather from scorching, as this will lead to smoky/burnt/phenolic off-flavours.
- Sparge with 13-14 litres of water (We need to see how much we need to get to 27-30 litres in the fermenter)
- Take Specific Gravity Readings as you go. Once you reach 1.010 stop sparging.
Excessive sparging, or sparging with the temperature too high, or pH above 6.0 can result in off-flavours.
- If you mashed-out correctly, the water should go through rather quickly.
- This should take no more the 15 mins
- Once the last litres of water have been sparged through the grain-basket the SG reading of the sparge-water should be 1.010; if so you have sparged correctly.
- Put basket in the sink to continue draining, to be discarded later.
- Heavily stir the wort and take an SG reading
- Record the water level. It should be 29 litres in GrainFather
- Check the water in the fridge for the yeast; we don’t want to get this down too low.
25-27 ℃ is the temp we need.
BOIL GrainFather (When using a kettle, see next section)
- Both heating controls should already have been set to boil.
I.E. the bottom switch to Normal and the control panel to boil.
- Put the lid on the GrainFather
- Attach U-bend pump fitting. Open valve and turn pump on to recirculate the wort.
This prevents colder wort sitting on top of scorching wort.
- Once it reaches 95 ℃ turn pump off, disconnect U-bend fitting and remove the lid.
Start manually stringing the wort to return the proteins back into the wort for better head retention and to prevent boiling over.
- Once the temperature reaches 100 ℃, i.e. the alarm goes off and display shows HH,
set timer for hop schedule to be added over the 60 min of boil.
This is where you get the “Hot-Break”, where proteins settle out.
Start adding hops according to the schedule below.
You have to do a 60 min uncovered boil, to get rid of some of the off-flavours. (Dimethyl Sulphide DMS (CH3)2S and the precursor S-Methyl Methionine (SMM), which is in the malt.)
- You have some time so:
Attach the plate-chiller wort-in, to the GrainFather pump output.
Attach the big pump input (horizontal connection) to wort-out of the Plate-chiller
Attach pump output (vertical connection) into the fermenter.
If connecting to the valve, (Spray Starsan on the valve) ensure the valve is open!
- First hops addition, 20 gr after 30 mins of boil in the hop spider (Do not add hops directly into the wort), use the clamp to attach to side of GrainFather.
- 5 min till finish of the boil add another 20 gr in the hop spider.
- Turn the heating elements off, (we removed the cable as well as tuning off on the control panel)
add 40 gr in the hop spider still ensuring the clamp is holding the spider to the side of the GrainFather.
BOIL Kettle
- Both heating controls ON GRAINFATHER should be turned OFF.
- The valve on the Propane tank should be off.
- There should be no hoses or cables under the kettle or near the burner, as they will melt.
- Attach a silicon hose to GrainFather pump -- put the other side of the hose in the kettle.
- Open valve and turn pump on to transfer from the GrainFather to the kettle.
- Once about 5-10 litres have been transferred, open the gas-valve on the burner, NOT THE PROPANE TANK.
Lighting the propane burner is a risky business.
It is really a two-man job.
The burner is very large and a lot of gas is released, which could result in a mini explosion.
Keep as far from the burner as possible and another person should open the gas valve at the last moment -- AFTER the stick-lighter has a flame under the burner.
- Get a flame, using the long stick lighter, and put it under the burner, somewhere in the middle. Keep your eyes and head as far away as possible.
- Now, and only now, carefully open the valve on the propane tank.
- This should light the burner.
If it does not, TURN THE GAS OFF.
- If the burner is on, adjust the gas to maximum without going around the sides of the kettle.
- Once all the wort is transferred to the kettle, turn the GrainFather off, disconnect the power to the grainFather, disconnect and remove the silicon hose.
Start manually stirring the wort to return the proteins back into the wort for better head retention and to prevent boiling over.
- Once the temperature reaches 100 ℃,
set timer for hop schedule to be added over the 60 min of boil.
This is where you get the “Hot-Break”, where proteins settle out.
Start adding hops according to the schedule below.
You have to do a 60 min uncovered boil, to get rid of some of the off-flavours. (Dimethyl Sulphide DMS (CH3)2S and the precursor S-Methyl Methionine (SMM), which is in the malt.)
(DMS is a sulfur compound produced during fermentation of beer that has the aroma of cooked or creamed corn)
- Note: For hot liquids (wort) ONLY use silicon tubing. For cold liquids you can use any Food-grade plastic tubing.
- You have some time so:
Attach the plate-chiller wort-in, to the kettle output, using a silicon tube.
Attach the big pump input (horizontal connection) to wort-out of the Plate-chiller, using a silicon tube.
Attach pump output (vertical connection) onto an input line on the ice-bank, using a silicon tube.
Attach a tube to the corresponding output on the ice-bank, using either silicon or other food-grade plastic tube.
Attach the other side of the tube to the fermentor, racking port.
When connecting to the valve, (Spray Starsan on the valve) ensure the valve is open!
- First hops addition, 20 gr after 30 mins of boil in the hop spider (Do not add hops directly into the wort), use the clamp to attach to side of kettle.
- 5 min till finish of the boil add another 20 gr in the hop spider.
- Turn the Propane tank off.
add 40 gr in the hop spider still ensuring the clamp is holding the spider to the side of the Kettle.
- Start a whirlpool while the wort is cooling down. (Use a drill or food processing "stick")
- leave for about 15" to allow a "cone" to develop in the middle.
Chilling and pumping to fermenter
- Attach the tap water to the plate chiller. Make sure the water-out is going into the drain.
Cold-water-in is on the same side as cold-wort-out -- Hot-water-out is on the same side as hot-wort-in.
Note: the thermometer is on the wort-out tube. Therefore the cold-water-in is on the same side.
In this picture, hot wort enters the chiller on the left-hand side; cool wort comes out the right-hand side.
- Turn the cold tap water on.
(When using GrainFather: Turn the GrainFather pump on and make sure the valve is open.)
(When using a kettle, open the valve on the kettle.)
This should prime the large pump.
Turn the large pump on until the wort has been moved into the fermenter.
- The wort temp needs to get to BELOW 21 ℃ before adding the yeast that has been rehydrated.
- To bring it down we can pump tap water through the chiller-coil on top of the fermenter.
- Once this has reached 20-22 ℃ we can pitch the yeast.
- Clean the blow-off racking hose and treat with sanitizer
- Attach a racking house to blow-off hole on top of the fermenter and lead it into a bottle or cup full of water and Starsan.
- Ensure the 12 volt chiller pump is submerged and the thermowell and thermocouple are set up correctly so we can hold the wort at 17-18 ℃
- Setup the controller:
- Press the set button once
- Press up or down arrows to set the temperature at which the pump should start cooling (most likely to start this is 18 ℃)
This means the temperature in the fermenter will rise to 18℃ when the pump will activate and cool the fermenter down to 17 ℃ when the pump will turn itself off.
- Press the set button to save the setting.
- Ensure your chilled water is well under 20 ℃ and continue to add ice packs over the next 1.5 weeks to hold the temp under 18 ℃
Hop Schedule
Time 60 min boil |
Amount |
30min in |
20g |
5min till finish |
20g |
0 at the end |
40g |